The risk level for extreme weather events in Belgium is considered moderate impact. Severe thunderstorms and heatwaves are two of the biggest threats affecting the country today. In order for heavy rainfall to be classified as a severe thunderstorm it must include lightning, thunder, possibly combined with severe wind gusts and hail according to the National Crisis Center of Belgium. These storms happen a few times a year, increasing in occurrence lately. Heatwaves have also become a regular event especially in the months of May through September. The NCCB classifies a heatwave as five or more consecutive days of temperatures at least 25 degrees Celsius.     

As a result of recent increased extreme weather events like heavy storms and heatwaves, the National Crisis Center of Belgium has contingency plans in place. The agency has partnered with the Royal Meteorological Institute to issue warnings in advance to Belgium citizens. The warnings fall on a color-coded scale that indicate suggested courses of action for safety by province or municipality. The scale ranges from green meaning no extreme weather to red meaning severe weather, follow the emergency guidelines. There are also special communication services that are active for citizens to request help during weather emergencies. These services include submitting online requests and/or calling a designated federal public service telephone number. The NCCB also has up to date information and hazard-based emergency plans on their website available at all times.  







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