Week 16: Final Hazards Report


Belgium is a country full of splendor and beauty. While diverse in natural resources, there are hazards that come along with it. These hazards must be acknowledged and mitigated for the safety of its citizens and the protection of the natural environment.

The biggest threats in Belgium are earthquakes and flooding. Earthquakes remain at the top of the hazard list because they are a daily occurrence. Plate tectonics causing moderate seismic are responsible for the threat. The majority of the movement has been small (less than 2.5 magnitude) but there have been occasions where earthquakes measuring over 4.0 magnitude have occurred. Addressing the issue is of the highest importance because a large-scale devastating earthquake can happen at any moment. It is best for mitigation plans to be enacted now just in case.

Flooding is now a normal event when it rains heavily. Climate change has increased the severity of the floods causing serious damage and even fatalities in parts of the country. The most recent catastrophic flooding took place in 2021 expediting the need to address the issue because of the increased frequency and severity.

Mitigation plans are necessary to combat the possible devastation either hazard can bring. Recommended mitigation plans for earthquakes involve a national early warning system and emergency evacuation plan. Early warning by even a few seconds, can save lives. Emergency evacuation plans lay out the procedures on where to go and where to get help. The information would be readily available anytime for reference. Recommended mitigation plans are almost identical for flooding. The warning system would have more advanced features like real-time storm tracking and updates. There would also be designated evacuation sites to check in and for supplies if needed.

The first targeted areas for mitigation are the areas at most risk for the hazard. For example, coastal regions like the provinces of Liege, Namur, and Luxembourg endured the most damage from severe floods. The earthquake mitigation plans would go out nationally but target areas close to tectonic borders.

Belgium is a smaller country and because of its size, hazards are a threat anywhere in the country. In an effort to avoid the potentially devastating effects of these hazards, I would construct my home around the outskirts of the Brussels region of Belgium. While not entirely free from danger, this location would give me less risk and good climate. 









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