Week 5: Volcanic Hazard in Belgium



Although there are no major volcanoes in Belgium, the volcanic hazard level is medium. The reason for the elevated warning is because the country is close to the Vulkaneifel volcanic range which is on the border with Germany.

The Vulkaneifel is a volcanic range that was created by two volcanic phases millions of years ago. It consists of 350 volcanoes of different sizes and shapes. The Vulkaneifel has all of the typical geologic characteristics like volcanic tuffs and craters, lava streams, mineral springs and crater lakes. It is still considered active and escaping gases can currently be seen. There is a record of potentially damaging eruptions that occurred in the last 10,000 years. The outlook for future large damaging eruptions is possible as the earth beneath still moves. Movement has been recorded at the rate of uplifting by one millimeter per year.







  1. This was very interesting research-what type of mitigation measures do/should they have in place?


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