Week 2: Plate Tectonics of Belgium



Belgium sits on the Eurasian plate along with the rest of Europe, some of Russia, and some of Asia. It is the third largest plate on Earth and lies in the middle of the North American Plate, the Indian Plate and the African Plate. Parts of the Arctic ocean and the Atlantic ocean can also be found on the plate.

The Eurasian Plate has both convergent and divergent boundaries. It shares a divergent plate boundary with the North American Plate where it is moving away at an average rate of half an inch per year. A convergent plate boundary exists between the Eurasian plate and the Indian plates where the collision of the two created the Himalaya Mountain Range. There is also a convergent boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate.   







  1. Very interesting information. Looking forward to what you'll discover in earthquakes.


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