Week 1: Introduction to Belgium


 Belgium is a small country located in the Northwestern region of Europe. It is bordered by the Netherlands in the North, France in the West, Germany in the East, and Luxembourg in the South. Belgium is a Federal State led by a Monarchy, made up of three different regions each with their own language and government. It is historically known for its chocolate, waffles, and different types of beer.

A Disaster is a mid-level natural threat that takes place in a specific area over a specific time frame. Disaster zones are often declared states of emergency and may need international help. Large amounts of people are affected by the disaster and there are many lives lost. A Hazard is a threat that can hurt humans and is caused by a naturally occurring process like hurricanes, volcanoes, tsunamis. A Catastrophe is the most dangerous of all natural threats. It is a major event that takes years to recover from and has large reclamation costs.  






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